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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook Apps Can Now Embed Content In Your Profile (Again)

301073_10150400614246729_20531316728_9934150_63847833_nIf you've been on Facebook for more than a year or two, you probably remember a time when it was possible to embed third-party applications in your profile. Initially it was possible to actually embed application widgets on your profile (remember when everyone had a Graffiti drawing?), but they were later relegated to separate tabs because they led to MySpace-like clutter. And eventually, they were removed from profiles entirely. Today during his keynote at f8, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg just announced that Facebook applications are going to be reintroduced into user profiles as part of the new Timelines feature (which, as it happens, makes your profile look a lot like a Tumblr blog).


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