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Thursday, October 13, 2016

3 Ways that Releasing My First Novel Was Like Walking Down the Street in my Underwear (Plus a Giveaway)

In August, my debut novel, Crevice, released and I couldn’t be happier, but once it was out there I had this moment of panic. What did I do? My book baby was now on display for anyone to see. It was like those dreams I sometimes have where I ve forgotten my clothes. I’m guessing I’m [ ] The post 3 Ways that Releasing My First Novel Was Like Walking Down the Street in my Underwear (Plus a Giveaway) appeared first on WildBlue Press. Related posts: Author Janice Boekhoff Tells Her Secret to Being Able to Write Through the Fear For A Limited Time Get Janice Boekhoff s Romantic Mystery Novel CREVICE For FREE! CREVICE Author Janice Boekhoff s Behind the Scenes: Is Setting a Character in Itself?


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